Friday, October 21, 2016

Re-activate or not?

Should I start posting here again? I look forward to your comments on the relative merits of blogging vs. tweeting. Blogs seem to be ignored, whereas tweets are too terse. What do you think?


Stéphane Baize said...

Please post here... more space to present opinions, share experience. And then tweet the links to your blog.

Ken Hudnut said...

Thank you, that is nice to hear your support! My friend Henry also has encouraged me to re-activate the blog.

Ken Hudnut said...

I just looked at your blog posts and they are really great! Please pass along my regards to Oona; I haven't seen her in a long time!

J Ramón Arrowsmith said...

Go for it if you have the time. You are involved in a lot of important work and have valuable experience and perspective. As Stéphane says, it might be a good place to develop ideas and collect information that is somewhere between a tweet and a paper or something more official. Please do share.

Ken Hudnut said...

Thank you, Ramon. Yes, there is a complex rule set for internal review. It boils down to this; in any 'unofficial expression' there cannot be any 'new science.' So I'm trying to find that balance and share thoughts on a more conceptual level. Challenging, but sometimes do-able, on Twitter.

J Ramón Arrowsmith said...

I see; yes that makes it pretty tricky and maybe not worth the complication. At least yes with twitter you can point to interesting things and I guess that has been a good compromise.

Ken Hudnut said...

Yes, and each tweet is sort of like a post-it note or sound bite, so it may seem clearly unofficial or inherently less threatening somehow. Sometimes less is more, though.

Ken Hudnut said...

Majority of voters on twitter poll agreed that I should keep adding blog posts. I'll try to re-start this lame excuse for a defunct blog someday soon, if/when inspiration strikes again. Thanks for the boost, and to all who voted for exercising your democratic process. I will (eventually) honor the results of this poll. P.S. - I voted by mail yesterday for the 'real' election, and I really, really hope that several of my preferred candidates win this time! #science #scicomm